What’s the Weather Like in San Miguel de Allende?
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the weather in San Miguel de Allende, a charming city nestled in the heart of Mexico. If you’re planning a trip or considering moving there, knowing about the local climate is crucial. This blog will provide up-to-date information on the city’s weather patterns, from daily forecasts to seasonal trends, making sure you’re well-prepared for your visit.
San Miguel de Allende offers a temperate climate with a warm season that lasts for around 2.2 months, from April 5 to June 12, with an average daily high temperature above 82°F. You can also expect a variation in temperatures throughout the day. For instance, temperatures can reach 72°F by mid-afternoon and drop to a cooler 49°F by night.
August is historically a warm month, with an average high of 81°F and a low of 56°F. The best time to visit this enchanting city is between November and April, where the climate doesn’t vary too much, providing a comfortable environment for tourists.
However, as with any destination, weather can be unpredictable. Stay tuned to our blog for regular updates and detailed forecasts to help plan your trip to San Miguel de Allende better.

What’s the Weather Like in San Miguel de Allende?
Maya Rudloff (00:00):
Hi viewers. Welcome back again. I am Maya, your interview host for Berkshire Hathaway Home Services here in San Miguel de Allende in Central Mexico. Today we’re interviewing Greg Gunter, the broker and co-owner, alongside with his business partner Alma, of the sole Berkshire Hathaway Home Services office in El San Miguel. Welcome back, Greg. How’s your day going?
Greg Gunter (00:23):
Hey, Maya. Good morning. I’m doing great today. I love the sunshine we’re having today. Man, I’m energized.
Maya Rudloff (00:30):
We live in the dream, right?
Greg Gunter (00:33):
Correct. I love it.
Maya Rudloff (00:34):
Well, let’s get started with today’s question. One of our viewers sent this one, and I think a lot of people are interested in getting this question answered. So, it reads like this, “I’ve always thought I need to live on the beach since I love an outdoor lifestyle. What’s the climate like in San Miguel?” Well, Greg, you’ve lived here for 14 years, so tell us your experience.
Greg Gunter (01:02):
Yeah, that’s right. 14 years of watching a little bit of climate change, but pretty much it’s still the same way. It’s interesting because today’s a good indicator of the climate. For instance, it feels like fall today, doesn’t it, Maya? Don’t you think it feels like fall today?
Maya Rudloff (01:18):
Yeah, like sunny, but a little chilly, right?
Greg Gunter (01:21):
Exactly. So it’s funny, I get clients that go, oh, I like the changing of the seasons. Isn’t it always the same in San Miguel? I’m like, no, we actually do have a bit of a changing of the seasons. Remember viewers, we’re at 6,400 feet in altitude. So, we’re a high dry climate here. I love, we all love those of us that live in San Miguel de Allende. We love an indoor outdoor lifestyle. We’re actually able to live it a lot more easily here in San Miguel. So, that’s an interesting thing to think about team. When you’re considering, I went through the same thing for instance, when I first was planning on moving to Mexico, I was considering all the various expat destinations that are available, many of which are on the coast, of course, Cabo San Luca and Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan and Mérida, those kind of places.
However, I grew up environment that was very hot and humid, and I hated it. I hate the humidity. So, it’s interesting when you live along the coast in Mexico, about seven months of the year, you have to live indoors. You literally have to sit under an air conditioner indoors seven months of the year. I’m allergic to air conditioning, essentially. I mean, I hate air conditioning. So, that’s what we all love about living in San Miguel de Allende because it truly is very indoor outdoor and you can have your doors open all day long. I slick with my doors open in the summertime. It’s a very indoor outdoor existence. We have no bugs. Also, because we’re at 6,400 feet, we really don’t have mosquitoes and the big bugs flying around like you have in Florida and places along the coast. So, the lifestyle really is much more indoor outdoor here.
Now, the difference, this is what you might ask for those of you going, well, gosh, it’s so much warmer along the coast. In the summertime, we’re very comfortable up here in the summertime, we might hit May is our hottest month, by the way. So, this is one interesting thing. It’s not summertime, it’s actually May. May is kind of our shoulder season where we’re sort of transitioning from the wintertime where we can go for six months with no rain at all, and then May is our hottest month because it’s warming up. It’s becoming summer, but the rainy season hasn’t quite started yet. So in May, we might hit maybe 90 degrees for five days of the month of May, but it’s 15% humidity. So, if you’re sitting in the shade, you’re perfectly fine. It’s nothing like being in Texas where it’s so miserable that you have to be inside.
Our rainy season then starts in the summertime. So, about mid-June, our rainy season will start and it lasts for about three months now. Our rainy season means that it’s gorgeous all day, bright and sunny like it is right now. It’s beautiful outside and looking outside my door over here, bright and sunny and gorgeous. It’ll be that way until about four o’clock, and then the clouds will roll in for 30 minutes to an hour. It’ll rain for 30 minutes to an hour, and then by the time you’re ready to walk to dinner, it’s clear again, that’s the rainy season. Well, most of us can live without, that’s perfectly fine with us. And what it does is it cools down the temperature at night. So, even in the summertime, we will get down into the mid-fifties or mid-sixties at night. So, it’s very, very comfortable sleeping weather.
You wake up in the morning, it’s a little crisp and cool and comfortable, and you never need air conditioning here. No one ever has air conditioning. That’s the challenge that a lot of my clients that have moved up from the coast, same thing. They thought they had to live on the beach and they immediately moved to Puerto Vallarta or someplace along the coast, and then they call me and they say, “Greg, I’m spending $300 a month on my electric bill to run the air conditioning. I think I want to talk to you about San Miguel.” So, that is one of the nice things about the climate here. You’re never running an air conditioner. You’re always indoor, outdoor. In the wintertime, let’s talk a little bit about that. Okay, in the wintertime, we might hit freezing once. Remember, we’re at 6,400 feet in altitude, so we are high.
We’re higher than Denver, remember. So, we might hit freezing once, maybe twice in the wintertime, but that same day, it’ll be in the mid to upper seventies. So, we get a 40 degree diurnal swing in the wintertime and about a 25 degree diurnal swing in the summertime. So, that means that it’s always warm and comfortable in the middle of the day and at night, it’s wintertime, it can get cool. Summertime, it cools down enough where you certainly don’t need the air conditioning. You’re sleeping with the door open, very comfortable at the most, maybe use a ceiling fan. So, very much of an indoor outdoor lifestyle. You’re not swatting mosquitoes and flies and the bugs that can carry you away like you would be on the coast. It’s just a really phenomenal climate. I mean, you’ve lived here longer than me, Maya. You love it too, don’t you?
Maya Rudloff (06:04):
It’s great, like talking about perfect weather. It is truly perfect, and I’m sure our viewers would be delighted to know this, that it’s not going to be as humid as it is Puerto Vallarta or the coast, right? So yes, exactly. It’s perfect weather. Yeah.
Greg Gunter (06:22):
Exactly. Yeah, we all love it here. Like I said, the change in seasons means that you’re wearing short sleeves in the winter and long sleeves in long sleeves in the wintertime and short sleeves in the summertime. That’s about it.
Maya Rudloff (06:34):
That’s it. Yeah, that’s about it. And it does get cold in the winter, but when Mexicans talk about it being cold, it’s actually not cold compared to other countries, right? So, it’s great.
Greg Gunter (06:46):
That’s the funny thing, Maya, I can always tell them my Canadian clients coming down because it’s December and I’ve got two shirts on like I have today, and they’re coming down in shorts in a T-shirt or a short sleeve shirt, and they’re like, oh, this is balmy.
Maya Rudloff (07:02):
Greg Gunter (07:02):
Yeah, so come on down, viewers. We would love to show you what the climate is like. The only month it’s a little bit warmer is May. The rest of year is perfect. So, come on down and see us. If you’ve got any more questions about it, check out the last screen on the video. It’s got my contact information. I’m happy to chat with you about it.
Maya Rudloff (07:21):
Great. Thank you so much for answering today’s question, Greg, and we’ll see you on the next video. Thank you.
Greg Gunter (07:28):
Sounds good. See you soon, team. Thanks for joining. Bye-Bye.
Maya Rudloff (07:31):
See you, bye.
Looking to purchase a home in San Miguel de Allende?
We are the only direct US franchise of the prestigious brokerage Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices in San Miguel, and we are experts in high-end real estate properties and luxury homes in San Miguel de Allende. Our listings at the moment consist of in-demand properties, including estates, single-family homes, and condos.
Whether you want to buy a vacation home, invest in a rental property, or simply want to diversify your real estate portfolio, the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Colonial Homes San Miguel team will be there to guide and assist you every step of the way.
Interested in checking out homes for sale while you’re in town to experience the best San Miguel de Allende festivals? Call us at +52.415.154.4971 or contact us here. You can also email Broker Greg Gunter or Broker Alma Cecilia Ramirez to schedule a consultation.